Shutter Bug
Mount Cheam, Agassiz British Columbia
I take a lot of photos and I want to share the best of them but the whole process of editing, organizing and uploading is where I have trouble. I love to attempt to capture the beauty that I see everywhere I go and I love looking at them later as reminders of where I have been. I just wish I had a better method for processing as well as a good outlet for them to be seen and shared and used. For now this blog will have to suffice for sharing small snippets of my shutter buggy-ness until I get the gallery on the website rolling. Amongst many of my long-term projects and good intentions I still have to get out and experience life and adventure first hand. Most of this computer stuff can wait, right?
The image above is from my most recent trip to supernatural British Columbia with my famous and beautiful friend Kamala Chambers from Thriving Launch who I've known since high school. We picked up a snowboarding hitch-hiker on our way up to Hemlock Valley resort to go Skiing for Ladies day after spending the night at Harrison Hot-Springs. When we picked Bryana up she was drenched from standing out in the rain waiting for a ride. We all hoped the mountain would be high enough that the rain would turn to snow when we arrived. Instead we skied in the rain and got very, very wet so it didn't last too long. In fact I was ready to bail before we left the slippery parking lot but Kamala was encouraging so we got our free lift tickets and braved the wetness. Fortunately, the best part of the ski-trip was making a new friend and so we offered her a ride back down the mountain. As we drove back into the lowlands the sky opened up revealing a magical landscape of ice crystals and rainbows.
When we arrived at the Abundance Farm where Bryana lives, the sounds as we stepped out of the car for a stretch were wild. Sunbeams hitting the ice coated willow trees combined with a light breeze made the landscape come alive with sounds of crackling, falling, shattering bits of frozen water. Lots of photos and videos were taken in a short amount of time and then we were back on the road headed towards home. Our entry back into the States was much easier than our entry into Canada which reminds me I need to update my Nexus Card. It was a quick and wonderful trip in some potentially hazardous weather but with my amazing AWD Toyota Highlander (aka the "Love-mobile") we plowed through snow drifts, splashed through muddy puddles and had good traction on sheets of ice making it home safely and happily. I'm looking forward to many more adventures up into Canada and beyond. Next adventure starts this weekend with Sailing around Shaw Island in the beautiful Salish Sea.