Outside Options
The interurban trail bridge at Arroyo Park today on the way back from Chuckanut Falls.
The day after Thanksgiving, also known as Black Friday or Buy Nothing Day depending on which extreme direction you sway, is full of options. One of the best options in my mind, regardless of what the day may be labelled, is to get outside. I always feel better after I get out in the woods and get some fresh air. Even a simple walk outside usually clears my head better than anything else. Its hard for me to imagine all those people who choose to go shopping today but I'm not here to judge either. To each their own, really, I just want everyone to be happy. Truly happy. I wish life were easier for all of us, in every way possible, today and everyday. That's all. And I'm thankful most of us have so many options to choose from as we go about our lives.