20/20 Vision
Better than 20/20 vision, I really want to see clearly. Not only do I feel it is important to have good eye-sight, physically, I think it is equally valuable to have spiritual, mental and emotional clarity. Clairvoyance means Clear-Sight and another year long training program starts tonight at Simply Spirit . After completing the 8-weeks of Clairvoyance 101 with Jill Miller last spring I was eager to learn more about all of the aspects of inner-visual clear-sightedness. I've always been sensitive to energy and highly intuitive. Abilities which have both helped and hindered me in various ways throughout the years. For the past 10 years or so I have been very focused on the physical aspects of this thing we call reality and that is partially because that has been the most "socially acceptable" thing to do. Needless to say, ignoring these other non-physically tangible aspects of reality did not work very well for me.
Suddenly re-directed down the path I was on before I turned 21, this past year has been en-lightening to say the least. There is so much more to this life than what we are conventionally let to believe. We are simply (amazingly complicated) spirits animating these very physical (crazy human) bodies in order to learn from this earthly experience. We all are intimately connected in more ways than we can imagine with our currently-conditioned minds. There have always been things I just know with out knowing how I know them and I'm only beginning to learn to trust in that unknown source of valuable information. When I don't listen to that little voice called intuition I end up kicking myself and I understand sometimes its hard to hear that voice clearly enough to trust it on a consistent basis. Another reason why I believe the classes at Simply Spirit will help me hone my latent skills.
I believe everyone has so much untapped potential and I want to help myself live up to my potential so I can help others grasp theirs. We are all connected therefore I know that just by the act of helping myself I am helping the collective in unseen ways (yet I want to be able to do so much more). My main goal in life is to be happy, that may seem silly but why are we here on earth if not to find and maintain happiness? This life is a gift and I want everyone to be able to not only know what will make them truly happy but also to be able to take action towards true happiness. Its part of the reason why we are here, lets not waste any more time suffering from the illusion that we must suffer. We can choose happiness and it all starts with that inner clarity. Finding that piece of the puzzle where we fit perfectly to make the big beautiful picture complete. Like the cows standing in the lush green Skagit valley pasture looking at me as I used my camera to freeze that moment in time, that picture would not be complete without their presence. It takes each of us to be present for the big picture to become clear.
Thanks for listening to me attempt to put into words that which is at times very illusive to me. I was dreaming about cows last night and woke up thinking, "I LOVE COWS!". Of course I then looked up the symbolism for cows on my favorite symbolism site which basically says that cows represent mother earth as a symbol of fertility, nurturing and power. So I'm thinking its related to the fact that my mind is a fertile ground for nurturing the seed of potential power to make the world a kinder, more gentler place. I'm very thankful for the existence of cows, not only do they make me happy when I see them, I love all the cheesy-goodness they provide us physically and symbolically. I'll try to keep this blog updated with the latest and greatest things I'm learning in class as it progresses and hopefully the some of the seeds I'm planting here will blossom into beautiful flowers we can all enjoy.