Following Bliss
Blue Moon
A-musings, Love VS Fear, BloggingJoy LoveBlue Moon, streak lost?, does it count?, Eclipsed, elephant snuggles, dreams, lucid, surreal, learning, faith, manifest, project, destiny
Crazy 8’s
A-musings, Blogging, Love VS FearJoy Love8888, 1111, thank you, faith, love, health, healing, happ
Pitch Perfect
BE in the Show
A-musings, Blogging, Love VS FearJoy LoveGrasshopper, Love vs Fear, Why are we here, What are we doing, Learning to love, All things equally, Separation is an illusion, Spirit is alive
Roots and Foots
A-musings, Blogging, Love VS FearJoy LoveRoots, Foots, Tall Trees, Rockport State Park, Discovery Center, Discover Pass, Wolverine, Rainy Day, Love vs Lazy, Fresh Air, Get outside, Take a Hike
Western Pasqueflower
Blogging, A-musingsJoy LoveDaydreaming, Mountain Scene, Anenome Occidentalis, Shuksan, Summertime Sadness, Work Flow, Streaking, Writing, Every day
Art Critic
Love VS Fear, A-musings, Art, BloggingJoy LoveLove, Art, Make Art and Love, Shut up the Critical Voice, You are worthy, You are beautiful, You are perfect just as you are, Thank you, Create, Celebrate, Be you, Fine Art America, Artists
World Record
A-musings, Blogging, Love VS FearJoy LoveWorld Record Attempt, Worlds biggest hula hoop, Believe, Hula Hoops, Happy, Love, Fun, Life