Stormy Day
It’s raining sideways with a late February Pineapple Express on delivery here in B’ham. I still have a headache from the nastiest head cold that I’ve caught in a long time. Getting better everyday but it pretty much had me on the couch for almost a week. Ouchie. Lots of people have been getting sick with all kinds of bugs. I’m glad it wasn’t the flu or Covid but it was still ugly. And it’s still hurting my head.
I sub taught a yoga class this morning but that was about all I could manage other than trying to organize my digital life. I still have so many ideas and too little time to follow thru and finish all the best ones. I have plenty of work lined up and wish I felt healthy and capable of starting these two cool boat upholstery jobs. I’ve had to put my patience pants on because my perfectionist streak needs me to make sure I can live up to my high standards so I must have a clear head to start.
Imperfection is okay in the other realms, I tell myself I must write even if it’s shite. Even for a little bit. This weather is perfect for staying inside- the windows are rivers at the moment on the windward side of the house. I got a business line new phone but don’t know how to make the separation clean. I’m writing this on the new device after digging out passwords to make the apps work here. Business stuff.
Next to transfer all the business photos. Boat stuff- lots of boat stuff that normally gets lost amidst all the hiking, running, sailing, pretty scenery stuff in the mix.
My goal this year has been to get organized but sheesh organization takes a lot of time. Anyway… enough rambling… you are reading my virtual diary after all so expectations should be low for content quality. I hope you are all staying healthy and happy in this crazy state/time of the world we are living in.
Photo: view out the window thru the rainy glass- tree blowing.