Tree Love
I have always loved trees, some types more than others but I have always loved everything about trees. The way they look- the way they make me feel when I'm in their presence. The way they move and grow- consistent and strong yet flexible when weather changes and the wind blows. Oh and don't get me started on how they smell. Certain trees smell so incredibly wonderful, even more so just after it rains- when they're bursting with essential oils of liquid vitality. It's like pure bliss with every inhalation. I've always been especially fond of evergreens (being from the evergreen state may have something to do with that) but I today fell in love with a small scraggly western red cedar. Like a puppy that melts your heart at the pound I couldn't walk away without taking it with me. Also like a puppy it will need some training and a good place to put it's roots. I then just happened across the perfect beige/sage green glazed piece of pottery and viola! Bonsai. I honestly don't know what I'm attempting to accomplish, I only know that I love this tree and hope it suvives the transplant today. It's raining right now that's a good sign. Keeping the roots moist is important which is why I initially covered the exposed soil surface with moss. That prolific green material that's constantly spilling over from the dark moist side of the roof of the shed. I hope they form a symbiotic relationship and keep each other happy when the weather fluctuates. They sure look good together. I also have always been very fond of the lush, vibrant mosses of the pacific northwest. I actually can't help but reach out and touch (or pet like a lovable puppy) the really thick, furry looking mosses when I'm out hiking in the forest.
Being fond of rocks as well so I added a few quartz crystals that were just sitting there in the yard. I thought the gentle weight of them may help the moss bond with the fresh soil. It's truly a beautiful combination of all those natural things I have always loved. I have these majestic visions of what this tiny scraggly tree can become if it reaches its true potential. I will take pictures of the progression and hopefully, eventually with enough tender love and care, have a miniature version of a beautiful western red cedar tree that I can take with me where ever I call home. I have spent some wonderful times in a few groves of large cedars that I can no longer visit. This one tree could potentially be with me for the rest of my life. It's romantic, yes, but I'm not going to get my hopes up just yet. I have no clue what I'm doing- I just have good intentions. Actually, completely randomly looking at a bookshelf at home this evening I noticed a book called "Indoor Bonsai" sitting there in plain sight. I'd never noticed it before- strange how that happens- but that's another story. (Granted this tree will live outside unless the weather gets too hot and dry) I imagine this book can still give me some valuable insight into the world of caring for a tree in a pot. I love to learn and have new experiences. This is just the beginning of a micro-adventure of unknown length with a small cedar tree I fell in love with today.